While cracking walnuts Stevie and Sheebie his crazy dog barked loudly as the ups man crashed into the door from the icy stairs. Sheebie raced to the door as walnuts rolled across the floor and screams were heard as packages tumbled to the ground and the stained glass window broke into pieces. In a panic Stevie fell flat on his face as the walnuts continued to roll and Sheebie began licking his face and wagging his tail.
nancy drew
JoinedPosts by nancy drew
Please correct these sentences.
by compound complex in.
walking down the street, the trees were beautiful.. i saw the trailer peeking through the window.. reaching the station, the sun came out.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dangling_modifier.
500 Year Old Clam
by metatron inhttp://www.businessinsider.com/this-clam-was-alive-for-more-than-500-years-2013-11.
i wish some enlightened billionaire would fund more studies of these "ageless animals".
evolution could tell us how to stop aging almost completely.
nancy drew
And on a beach somewhere they held a huge clambake and those who partook of the salty flesh mixed with the red sauce were suddenly raptured off the earth into a huge spaceship. They sat transfixed before the mother clam who displayed the pearl of wisdom before them and sent them back to their people with a mysterious message.
500 Year Old Clam
by metatron inhttp://www.businessinsider.com/this-clam-was-alive-for-more-than-500-years-2013-11.
i wish some enlightened billionaire would fund more studies of these "ageless animals".
evolution could tell us how to stop aging almost completely.
nancy drew
O clam of wisdom O clam of the sea
What pearls of wisdom do you have for me
please spit them out one by one
like a spray that shoots from a water gun
tell me what is really true
do we all live in a crazy zoo
but you just sit there like a clam
cause you don't really give a damn
Ancient aliens
by DS211 indoes anyone believe or put any truth to the stuff on this show?
from what i can see its pretty cool stuff.
seems to tie in a lot of social ideas about religions and prayer and interaction with a spirit realm.
nancy drew
Something strange happened on this planet and all over the world people tell stories with a similar twist. Everyone has been tainted by these stories and it's really difficult to determine what really took place. Debunkers are a dime a dozen on the internet along with so called authorities with impressive credentials arguing back and forth with their personal opinions.
I've learned some lessons in life about believing what people say because sometimes they can be really convincing and be full of it and i admit it's really hard to be objective and stay in a rational place. i love reading about lot's of theories and whatever seems interesting but i remind myself always now to be careful. The wtbs really helped me to learn that lesson.
nancy drew
Pomagranate pizzazz is a favorite of mine
has a reddish color like some kinds of wine
it's relaxing and soothing and i like it alot
on a cold winter day when it's steaming hot
Is JWN an unforgiving place
by usualusername inover many years i have looked at jwn.
in fact barely a day goes by without my fix.. .
it is a site of contradictions.. .
nancy drew
Most everyone on this site has lived a good portion of their life in the JW world. A very unnatural environment, a place of fear and guarded conversation. Making the transition is difficult we have to learn what real conversation and honest exchange is so we just all need to relax and let the situation flow. This site is a training ground.
Ancient aliens
by DS211 indoes anyone believe or put any truth to the stuff on this show?
from what i can see its pretty cool stuff.
seems to tie in a lot of social ideas about religions and prayer and interaction with a spirit realm.
nancy drew
I love ancient alien we recently went to an ancient mysteries conference at the Edgar Cayce center and we met Giorgio in fact I took a picture of my husband and Giorgio tsouk He was a very nice and straight forward kind of guy. We listened to a talk by David Hatcher Childress it was a great time. I don't know what really happened on this planet in the past the archeological evidence is very interesting and it begs many questions. There's many mysteries the puma punku ruins, ollantaytambo the windover bog people in Florida. What I do believe is that we've been enslaved by biblical fantasies of magical angels and a capricious god demanding our allegiance or else.
Certainly the idea that a more advanced technological race visiting our planet in the past is not absurd and crazy in comparison. I don't know the answers I wish I did but for me the alien possibility is still open.
this site sucks
by Hortensia inyou all spend all your time bickering about religion and doctrine and god and evolution and atheists, not to mention all the discussion about athiests too.
you are totally ignoring an important subject.
we haven't had one fucking decent discussion of dr. who in at least a year!!!.
nancy drew
You are absolutely right
It is time to branch out into more fascinating topics time travel, parallel universes, anunnaki if you've been a Jw you've already lived in a parallel universe and it's not difficult to step through the door and enter a new reality. Let the strange adventures begin.
Elders receive a report that I am openly displaying false religious symbol
by confusedandalone inwhen you look at the image above what do you see?
a sneaker or an outward display that i am now following after another religious group?.
well yesterday i had a 10 minute conversation with an elder who finally got the balls to call me.
nancy drew
Wearing those tennis shoes
just like a mighty dread
roots rock reggae
Elders receive a report that I am openly displaying false religious symbol
by confusedandalone inwhen you look at the image above what do you see?
a sneaker or an outward display that i am now following after another religious group?.
well yesterday i had a 10 minute conversation with an elder who finally got the balls to call me.
nancy drew
He wore those shoes that fateful day
and oh a pioneer would say
that as she reached for deli meat
her eyes were shocked by someones feet
a pagan symbol pierced her brain
she thought she might have gone insane
it was a brother from the hall
she hurried off to make the call.